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Satele Shan Both faction only guilds Europe Activities: Open, Crafting, Social, Flashpoints

Jedi Rangers / Darkside Rangers

Jedi Rangers & Darkside Rangers are a small/medium yield conquest guild open to all!
Server: Satele Shan Last updated April 9, 2024 PST,MST,CST,EST,GMT-9 10+ Members, 55 during prime time
Operations PvP Ranked PvP Flashpoints Conquest Social/hanging out Leveling Crafting Datacron Hunting World Bosses Dueling / Tournaments Galactic Starfighter Open World PvP Dailies Heroics Achievements

Republic Court (Satele Shan) / Imperial Court (Satele Shan)

Play and have fun
Server: Satele Shan Last updated December 8, 2023 GMT 500+ Members, 20 during prime time
Operations PvP Ranked PvP Flashpoints Conquest Social/hanging out Leveling Crafting Datacron Hunting World Bosses Galactic Starfighter Open World PvP Dailies Heroics Achievements

Je'daii Order / Jen'jidai Order

AUSTRALIAN Guild running on Shae Vizla APAC Server JOIN US!
Server: Satele Shan Last updated December 1, 2023 AUST,GMT+10,GMT+11 / / Most active time Monday: 7:00PM - 9:30PM, Tuesday: 7:00PM - 9:30PM, Wednesday: 7:00PM - 9:30PM, Thursday: 7:00PM - 9:30PM, Friday: 7:00PM - 9:30pm, Saturday: 7:00PM - 9:30pm, Sunday: 7:00PM - 9:30PM AUST GMT+11 1-10+ Members, 1-10 during prime time
Operations PvP Ranked PvP Flashpoints Conquest Roleplay Social/hanging out Leveling Crafting Datacron Hunting World Bosses Dueling / Tournaments Galactic Starfighter Open World PvP Dailies Heroics Achievements

Raiders of Valhalla / Harbingers of Valhalla

Viking flavor, all game modes. More than a guild... building long lasting friendships.
Server: Satele Shan Last updated April 15, 2021 PST,CST,EST,GMT,AUST 300+ Members, 30 during prime time
Operations PvP Ranked PvP Flashpoints Conquest Social/hanging out Crafting World Bosses Galactic Starfighter Open World PvP Heroics Achievements

Winterfell / The Iron Throne

Be apart of a new,friendly and growing we do everything except starfighter
Server: Satele Shan Last updated August 7, 2020 PST,CST,GMT,AUST,GMT+10 / / Most active time Were active someone is always on 50+ Members, 10-15 during prime time
Operations PvP Ranked PvP Flashpoints Conquest Roleplay Social/hanging out Leveling Crafting Datacron Hunting World Bosses Dueling / Tournaments Open World PvP Dailies Heroics Achievements

Corvus / Korvus

Social APAC/Oceanic PvE & PvP Guild founded on Dalborra
Server: Satele Shan Last updated June 18, 2020 PST,AUST,GMT+12 / / Most active time 8pm NZ/6pm AEDT - 12am NZ/10pm AEDT 20+ Members, 10+ during prime time
Operations PvP Flashpoints Conquest Social/hanging out Crafting Datacron Hunting World Bosses Dueling / Tournaments Galactic Starfighter Open World PvP Dailies Heroics Achievements

The Mandalorian Deathsquad / Mandalorian Deathsquad

For Mandalor!
Server: Satele Shan Last updated May 26, 2020 PST,MST,CST,CET,GMT+12 10+ Members, 5 during prime time
Operations PvP Ranked PvP Flashpoints Conquest Social/hanging out Leveling Crafting Datacron Hunting World Bosses Dueling / Tournaments Galactic Starfighter Open World PvP Dailies Heroics Achievements

Raíders of Valhalla / Harbingers of Valhalla

6 year old Viking alliance - a world wide group of friends who enjoy savage pillaging
Server: Satele Shan Last updated January 3, 2020 PST,EST,GMT,AUST,GMT+2 / / Most active time Worldwide ~400+ Members, 20-30 during prime time
Operations PvP Ranked PvP Flashpoints Conquest Social/hanging out Leveling Crafting World Bosses Galactic Starfighter Open World PvP Dailies Heroics Achievements